Returning to China: Local Designer Yijing’s Creative Vision for the Shanghai E-Prix Poster


The 2024 Shanghai E-Prix marks an exciting addition to the Formula E calendar, bringing electric racing to the iconic Shanghai International Circuit for the very first time. As part of Andretti Formula E’s ongoing collaboration with local artists, for the Shanghai E-Prix the Indianapolis-based team chose Yijing, a talented graphic designer based in Shanghai, to design the race poster. Living in China’s bustling metropolis, Yijing brings a unique perspective to the project not being too familiar with motorsport. Her design process involved blending traditional Chinese elements with the high-energy atmosphere of Shanghai. Yijing’s design features racetrack-inspired typography and Andretti’s brand colors, enhanced with handwritten elements for a raw, dynamic feel. 

Tell us about yourself – where are you from, what do you do? 

Hi, my name is Yijing, and I’m graphic designer currently living in Shanghai, China.  

What do you enjoy about being a graphic designer? 

 What I love about being a graphic designer is being able to explore different possibilities and solve problems with creative solutions. Being a graphic designer also allows me to work with clients in different fields, which has opened my eyes to many other aspects outside of the design world. 

We chose you and your work to represent Shanghai – what does it mean to reside in China? 

 Shanghai is a very unique city. The people who live here are always open to new ideas, possibilities, and even challenges. For me, living in China presents me with lots of different opportunities. Living in the city of Shanghai gives me room to pace my career and life simultaneously. 

Do you like motorsport? What does it mean to work with the Andretti team? 

 To be completely honest, I have very limited knowledge about motorsport, but I love active lifestyles and sports in general, so I was very excited about the opportunity to design the Shanghai race poster. Working with the Andretti team has offered me a fresh opportunity to design something for an industry I am not too familiar with. I’ve really enjoyed working with the Andretti team and appreciate the opportunity and the trust in designing the poster. 

What was your design process for this poster? 

For the poster, I started with researching the subject which included learning about Andretti but also Formula E. After that, I began brainstorming my ideas which allowed me to make some quick sketches to get the general direction of the piece. From that, it was a process of testing and revising the design until I was happy with the design. This is the basic process I use for all my design projects. 

Talk to us about the poster design – why did you include those colors and elements? 

  Shanghai has always given me a feeling of being fast paced and harsh, but in a good way, and I guess similar to racing. For the poster, I decided to use with the Chinese character Shanghai, “上海”, and illustrate it through the art of typography with a theme of racetracks running across the poster in the Andretti brand colors. Afterward, I decided to enhance the design with some human touch by adding handwriting to show a raw and free style.  

For Andretti Formula E fans visiting Shanghai for this race, what places should they visit and what food should they eat? 

The Bund! It’s a classic sightseeing spot in Shanghai. I’ve lived in Shanghai for years now, but it’s still one of my favorite places in the city. Try to get there early though, as it can be very crowded, particularly on the weekend. I’d also recommend trying to get on a sharing bike and cycle around the French Concession area. It’s a unique but happy place. For food, try Xiaolongbao, Jianbing (like Chinese crepe), and coffee. You can get these in any area and taste good across the whole city. 

As the Andretti Formula E team readies itself for the return to racing in China for the inaugural Shanghai E-Prix at the Shanghai International Circuit, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to Yijing for her captivating design that perfectly captures the spirit of this landmark event. We encourage you to explore more of Yijing’s creative work on her social media platforms: 

Instagram: @yijing_mao // Behance: @YijingMao 

Support Andretti Formula E drivers Jake Dennis and Norman Nato with us this weekend as they navigate the three kilometer, 12-turn dynamic Shanghai West Long variation of the international circuit in what promises to be an electrifying race.